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karljrockwell » 2022-04-13 21:59:57
Rules for the Successful Formation of a Candidate and Doctoral Dissertation Plan
As part of the main part of a candidate or doctoral dissertation, there will be at least three sections:Theoretical chapter - a critical analysis of the main provisions and current theories, paytowritepaper research within the approved topic, problem. Its writing takes place solely on the basis of the processing of official sources of information.Analytical chapter - diagnosis of a real problem (in science or industry), its detailed description, statement, determination of the degree of impact and the need for a solution.The recommendatory chapter - the development of innovative techniques and mechanisms for influencing the problem, moreover, solving it thoroughly - is not necessary. It is enough to minimize its negative impact, but it is important to do it in an unconventional way, and to develop a new tool or mechanism that has not been tested by anyone before.
It is also important here to show the prospects of the proposed idea - to describe the results of testing, the results of the survey, and also to develop general instructions for applying the planned plan in other areas of activity or in a specific area / industry.
Traditional sections - title page, table of contents, applications are formed, as a rule, strictly according to the model. Moreover, it is customary to include in https://www.paytowritepaper.com/homework-help/ applications not only bulky graphic materials, but also personal publications of the author involved on the topic of the dissertation (scientific articles, VAK-articles used as self-plagiarism, self-citation), reference materials, etc.
When choosing a research topic, you should pay attention to the following points:What to write about and what to study?Is there enough information available in the public domain, is it possible to check the degree of its reliability and relevance?Is it possible to form a preliminary action plan: the sequence of studying the topic (where to start, how to continue, etc.)?
The easiest way to form a dissertation plan is to write out a “standard scheme” and optimize it according to your own vision and https://www.paytowritepaper.com/testimonials/ “desire”. Therefore, the "classical method" of scientific work needs to carefully work out each section, detailing it: what, why, why, when and how.
More resources:
Maximum, Optimal and Minimum Volume of the Thesis
How to Control and Regulate the Volume of Dissertation Research?
What to Do with Scarce or Excess Volume When Writing a Dissertation?
How to Get the Optimal and Necessary Volume of the Dissertation?
Develop a Plan for a Candidate / Doctoral Dissertation